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August 21-23 2025 year | Russia, Irkutsk


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Gardening. Country-house.

Every year, participants from all over Russia delight citizens with new products of fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and berries, bred by breeders specifically for Siberian conditions. You can choose everything you need for a country house at the exhibition: gazeboes, hammocks, wicker and forged furniture, steam bath, Russian stove, fireplaces and cottage accessories.

At the exhibition, visitors can see an incredible variety of vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers and shrubs from leading farmers and gardeners in the Irkutsk region. At the open-air exhibition space everyone will be able to get acquainted with the landscape design, the latest models of garden equipment, choose a greenhouse, purchase seeds and seedlings. All this can be found at our Gardening. Country-house. Exhibition 2020.

Organisers of the exhibition:

  • Ministry of Agriculture of the Irkutsk region

  • Sibexpocentre OJSC- member of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, leading exhibition organization of the Baikal region.

With the assistance of:

  • Government of Irkutsk Region;

  • Irkutsk Regional Union of Horticultural Non-Profit Associations;

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Eastern Siberia;

  • ‘Producers and Entrepreneurs Partnership’ Irkutsk regional association of employers;

  • clubs of gardeners and gardening cooperatives of the Irkutsk region;

  • Russian- German chamber of commerce.

Sections of the exhibition

  • Seeds and planting stock, soil, fertilizers, plant protection products;
  • Decorative trees, shrubs, coniferous plants, flower crops;
  • Floristics, flower arrangements;
  • Clubs, cooperatives, associations of gardeners, truck farmers;
  • Services of nurseries, greenhouses, landscape designers, flower shops;
  • Fruit and vegetable production;
  • Products of livestock, poultry, beekeeping;
  • Gardening equipment, mini-technique;
  • Garden and park design, landscape design, landscaping of plots and cottages;
  • Cottages, holiday homes, baths, saunas, yard constructions;
  • Fireplaces, stoves, greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens;
  • Garden and park, country furniture, forged and wicker products, small architectural forms;
  • Materials for paving, drainage, decorative design;
  • Water devices (swimming pools, ponds, fountains);
  • Electrical equipment, heating, water supply, lighting, watering equipment;
  • Protection of the house, cottages, garages;
  • Banking services;
  • Overalls and shoes;
  • Textiles and decor for home, tableware;
  • Goods for beauty and health;
  • Souvenir production;
  • Literature for specialists, printed and promotional products.

Results of the exhibition 2024





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